Socially Responsible events
Soorya Performing Arts works for socially responsible causes. It has helped raise funds for not-for-profit organizations - who help humanitarian causes. The following is the list of the shows we organized to raise for charities to support humanity.
- Rainbow -2 - performance to help TASK - Team Activity for Special Kids - in 2006
- Supported Mala Gopi - during Mr. Gopi's demise by raising $1000
- Supported Telugu Association when four students got killed by raising $1000
- Rainbow 2 - performance to help raise funds for ASHA chapter - New Jersey in 2007
- Raising funds for Chicago Kannada Association for charitable purposes - 2010
- Supporting American Red Cross - June, 14th, 2013 - Oklahoma Tornado disaster - by bringing Indian artists and musicians for a benefit show
- Supporting American Red Cross - 8th October, 2017 - Florida, Puerto Rico and Texas hurricane victim - by bringing Indian artists and musicians for a benefit show
- Supported Covid-19 victims in India - May 16th 2021 - by raising more than $9000 through SewaUSA.
Volunteering opportunities
The St. Louis Indian Music / Dance Festivals are organized and managed by volunteers, and we depend on community involvement to run the event smoothly. If you would like to volunteer at festivals or Natya Idol competitions across the country, you can do so by serving on multiple committees. There are plenty of opportunities to do so. Read on for a sample of what we do, followed by instructions on how to sign up.
- Drive artists, volunteers, and equipment between the hotel and the venue
- Artist pick up / drop off at the airport
- Transporting Festival goods and supplies food
- Collecting donations for meals
- Providing Snacks
- Working in food management like serving, clean etc.
- Assist sound engineer and stage manager turn over stage between concerts, help with microphones, and recording setup
- Helping in lighting design
- Help with stage props, with lowering the stage props, by moving them in time during the show
- Providing coffee, tea, and water backstage
- Manage lines and participation order during individual singing
- Manage music competition sessions
- There are a variety of other opportunities that come up during the event where volunteers step in and lend a hand. If you are available, you can probably find something to do. Benefits to Volunteering
- Add valuable volunteer hours to your résumé and/or college application (if you put in enough work, we'll even give you a letter attesting to your efforts).
- Work with an incredible group of people who are passionate about the Festival, and fun to hang out with
- Peek behind-the-scenes at what it takes to run an event of this magnitude, and take home lessons for similar festivals in your town
- Free food on the days you volunteer
- Other critical works include
- Grant writing
- Fund Rising
Volunteering through Performances
- Perform in libraries/schools as a volunteer
- Dance or sing in community centers
Volunteering through Board or in Executive Committees
Volunteering Appreciation
Soorya Performing Arts, a not-for-profit organization, initiated and managed this project. Volunteering in the American Natya Festival and related activities will lead to
1. President’s Volunteer Service Awards
2. Digital Certification through Featsclub