The Story
Story of Chandralekha is inspired by a Karnataka folktale – “Tales for a Princess” compiled by Dr. A K Ramanujam. The story is based on the book “Flowering Tree and other Oral Stories” printed by University of California Press. This story is modified to make it suitable for a dance drama production.
Chandralekha is the daughter of King Bhanusena. At the age sixteen, princess turns into a beautiful damsel and King wishes here to marry with a suitable groom. The wise princess wishes to marry to that person, who is matching her wisdom and skill. She wishes to test the person before getting married.
Chandralekha requests her father to build a seven storied palace for her. She keeps beautiful jewelry on the first gate, vicious snake around the second gate, dreadful bear in the third gate and a ferocious tiger at the fourth gate. She challenges anyone who crosses these hurdles and reach her in the seventh floor and break’s her silence can win her in the marriage.
Many Princes and Noble men took up this challenge. But everyone failed due to lack of wisdom or to their own Ego of not understanding the challenge. Then comes a commoner, yet a smart person, Surya to take up the challenge. He had seen the Princess once, and had fallen in love with her for her good heart. Surya crosses all the barriers and wins Chandralekha’s heart by telling a story of truthful girl, whose punya (noble deed) protects entire community. Princess Chandralekha applauds Surya’s wisdom in cracking the challenges and also making her smile. She falls in love with his simplicity, honesty and true love for her. She believed he will make a great king to take care of people of the kingdom. She agrees to marry him.
The story depicts the values of good qualities such as honesty and sincerity against the attractions of power or wealth. The story also showcases the courage needed to have a great leadership.