Material world is locking the soul and mind. Body is running behind pleasure. Although most of the world is suffering, the body still needs the pleasure
Bhaktha Sthala
World is full of conflicts. People with closed minds are searching for god in temples, mosques and churches and fighting for land. Rivers are not bound by lands, oceans are not bound by lands, a sharana has no boundary for his worship.
Nature waits for no one. It is gods creation. His omnipresence makes the cycle of life run smoothly. Wise sharana vachanas discover the immense truth of co-existance of nature and man.
Shoonya sampadane
Stop the illusion at the doorstep of life, stop the physical attractions at the door steps of soul, stop the mind athe doorstep of god. Understand the senses for other limbs. Understand the soul, mind, god and rise alert to reach almighty Koodala Sangama. The unknown which science is trying to explore in the galaxies starts with in our minds.
Agnana mattu Maaye
Illusion shadows body. Mind shadows the life. Memory shadows mind. The complete civilization followed the illusion – Maaye will never achieve bliss of grace of almighty. Performing penance in the forest will not get rid of dark shadow of ignorance. Agnana(ignorance) and maaye(illusion) runs the mind behind acquiring material wealth in immoral and unethical ways
Ananda Sharana
A happy Sharana stays away from praise, faces criticism stands firm.
Makes a difference between visible and invisibles. The truthful, pious sharana is an eternal happy person. All the vachanas used in this production are from Basavanna, Allama Prabhu, Ambigara Chowdiaha and many others.
Anubhava Mantapa
Dances on Words of Wisdom by Sharana of Karnataka
Directed by Karnataka Kalashri - Guruji Prasanna Kasthuri
Life could turn out to be undefinable, although we have definable parameters. We might be thinking to attain a utopian peace and an unrivaled eternal happiness, through these parameters and boundaries. Many times, these parameters and guidelines will be insufficient and one starts feeling the need for a teacher or a source of intellect. We seek guidance from those who are enlightened thinkers, those who created amazing works of life, which show us the path to true happiness. Sharanas, the thinkers, thought and taught many silver-lining principles to cross the dark clouds of ignorance. Just like the juice in a fruit, fragrance in a flower, and energy in ocean waves; these spiritual guides found the value of spiritual energy in human life. Great Sharanas opened path-breaking truths through their immortal vachanas, which are relevant to today's modern world. It is said, that all these Sharanas or Saints came together to a congregation of intellect called Anubhava Mantapa, the hall of experience and discussion. They churned the experience to bring out the truth. Through these brain-sharing activities, they found the everlasting principles for eternal happiness. Following such principles will give anyone the experience of true life, and a life of a true Sharana as it was practiced during the days of Anubhava Mantapa in the 12th century.
Soorya Dance Company of St. Louis, Missouri, is making a brave attempt to build the bridge between the ancient thoughts of Vachanas; and to present life situation. These Vachanas give sanctuary to the mind, while the basic instincts challenge and lead to indecisiveness.
Vachanas shed the light of knowledge to attain a fulfilled life.
Anubhava Mantapa is a dance drama production - that runs for 85 minutes including announcements in the South Indian classical dance style called Bharathanatyam
Choreography and Direction: Guru Prasanna Kasthuri
Contact 314-397-5278 for shows in the USA
Contact 94480-74748 in India