13th Annual Bharathanatyam Show
13th Annual Bharathanatyam Show presented the following dance numbers
Vandana Trayee – Three prayers put together to revere deities – Ganesh, Saraswati and the Guru (teacher). These are ancient verses, which are being practiced since 3000 BC. These prayers are routinely chanted in all Hindu homes to highlight the beliefs of Nature and its learning process. This is set to music by Bharat Rathna Pandit Ravi Shankar, sung by Babu Parameshwaran and Rathnamala Prakash. This is performed by Bhavya, Kavya, Maanya, Madhura, Sahasra, Shreenidhi, Uma, Brinda, Daya, Harsha, Mirdhini, Nandini, Neha, and Diya.
Pushpanjali and Mudakaaratha – Pushpanjali is offering of flowers to Lord Nataraja, who is deity of dancing. After this a five verse Ganesh poem will be performed. This is performed by Saanvi, Muskan, Mahek, Arshya, Neha, Sapthaka, Hritika, Tanisha and Manasvini
Tishra Alaripu – Alaripu is an opening dance number, introduces the main movements of Bharathanatyam. It will provide a brief preview of the dance style. This is in 3 beats. Performed by: Saanvi, Muskan, Mahek, Arshya, Neha, Manasvini, Sapthaka, Meenakshi, Arushi, Hritika, Tanisha, and Rithanya
Shree Saraswati – Many believe, to obtain success in learning, one must surrender to goddess of learning – Saraswati. This is a small composition describing how knowledge is most important and going in pursuit of it, should be the main motto of life. This is performed by Sapthaka, Saanvi, Arshya, Hritika, Rithanya, Neha, and Tanisha
Mishra Alaripu – This Is another Alaripu with 7 beats rhythm – performed by senior performers.
Jaya Janaki Ramana - It is believed, among Hindu trinity, deity Vishnu takes up the form of protector. To accomplish his work, he incarnates in many mortal forms. This song praises the incarnations and reconnects message to the ultimate spirituality of Vishnu. Avataras of Narasimha, Rama and Krishna are described in this beautiful piece. This is a chain of 5 verses of song with 4 jatis or rhythmical phrases. This is performed by Shree, Samanvita, Priya, Nithya, Mounica, Sadhana and Nivedita.
Varnam – Krishna is the incarnation of Vishnu, who comes down to Earth protect innocent and righteous from the hands of evil demons. This long song goes deeper into storytelling, illustrates the miracles performed by Krishna Bhagwan. Stories of Pootana Samhaara, Kuchela, Geethopadesha and other sill be portrayed. This songs is written by Guru Prasanna Kasthuri. This is presented by our dance graduate – Shree Govani.
Sundara Gopalam – A beautiful Sanskrit lyric praising the noble qualities of Krishna. This descriptive song portrays the qualities of Krishna as the person, who saves people in distress, who is playful, enjoys roaming in the forest and decorates with beautiful clothing. Krishna is the sole defender of righteousness (Dharma), hence he takes an important spot in anyone’s life. This is performed by Roshni, Sanjana, Samhita, Jahnavi, Sanjana Anand, Sansita, Arna, Anushka and Niharika.
Asaindaadum – Another Krishna song in Tamil, describes the incident, when he supposed to come and play with his friends, but never comes. But, they all see peacocks flocking towards them, they realize Krishna is coming towards them. But, when they don’t see that happening, they feel disappointed. But again, they hear the melodious sound of flute, and see him coming towards them. This is performed by Nivedita, Shree, Priya, and Samanvita.
Tillana – A composite, dance structure with unique movements with body bends and variation of rhythms, Tillana makes a beautiful pure dance movement number. This is performed by Roshni, Sanjana, Samhita, Jahnavi, Sanjana Anand, Sansita, Arna, Anushka and Niharika.
Dance Drama - Sathyabhama & Krishna – Everyone knew Krishna was the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Everyone respected and worshipped him with reverence. Krishna was for everyone. But his beloved wife Satyabhama felt it otherwise. She wished to own him totally. She wished to buy him out from other wives by her wealth. She creates a balance and weighs Krishna wither wealth. To her surprise, after putting all her wealth, which is more than weight of 50 people, Krishna’s weight cannot be matched. She feels insulted and humbled. She seeks refuge with Krishna’s pious wife – Rukmini to solve this situation. Rukmini, removes all the wealth from the pan. She takes a small Tulasi (Basil) leaf, prays Krishna with all her heart and places it on the pan. Balance comes down. Rukmini won Krishna with her devotion, whereas Satyabhama lost Krishna even though she had lots of wealth. This is a solo dance drama presented by our dance graduate – Priya Patel
Dance Performance by Guest Artist – Pallavi Prabhu
Pallavi Prabhu is a second year undergraduate student at the University of Michigan and a native Ann Arbor resident. She began her Bharatanatyam training at Nrityollasa center for performing arts under Guru Smt. Roopa Shyamasundar at the age of 5, and completed her arangetram in 2013 in Ann Arbor, MI. Pallavi currently is a disciple of Gurus Kiran and Sandhya Subramanyam in Bangalore. Pallavi has performed extensively in Michigan, and surrounding states as well as in Bangalore. She is the recipient of the Natya Idol award 2016 in American Natya Festival.